Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Decade!!

Nandan Nilekani heading the Unique Identification program, Kapi Sibal sending out the right signals from the HRD ministry, JP Morgan predicting the Sensex to be at 30,000 in 3-4 years, Infrastructure to be given special emphasis in the next 5 years. One hears all positive news from the managers of our country!!

I am no economist or investment guru, but i believe we are all at such a important crossroad of our nations history that it the next decade could well be the game changer in our own personal fortunes as well as our nation's.
The recent global recession proved that we are well insulated from global events of such a huge magnitude. Where else in the world would you see an almost 80 % rally in the stock markets. I look at the layoffs and salary corrections in india as nothing more than a course correction. Most people including my buddies would be baying for my blood for having said this.
In the larger scheme of things this is something we all would be gald off..Excesses were curtailed, we all learnt how important savings our to our better future, some of us learnt what is the best way to invest. There was more things learnt than what we lost.

The gut feeling right now is that if we play the next 10 years to the best of our abilities there is no looking back. The government has a very important role to play make no mistake about it.
It needs to set in motion the right policies to aid the development of the country. i have no qualms with the bureaucracy taking bribes as long as at the end of 5 years they have an Excellent progress Card to show off. Bridges, roads, telecom, health infrastructure etc etc..

And what the hell.. as long as we all do well for ourselves do we even care about the country ??
The answer to this holds the key to our development as a nation...

I am gonna read this after a decade and flaunt it around and say that i was right coz i know the next decade is ours for the taking!!

So here is wishing all future CEO's, enterpreneurs, businessmen and Social workers best wishes and God speed!!



P.S. RIP MJ...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A month of madness!!

it has almost been a month since i last updated my blog!
The last month has been crazy.. struggling to get the company started , stuck largely due to bureaucratic hassles.. meeting new customers, tending to anu who met with an accident.. started a house hunt and with that also begun Money hunt!! ... Arguments with dad over what is the right thing to do.. tempers were running high and so were all culminated with yours trully falling sick!! It was a bout of food poisoning which lay me down.. I write as i recover from it.. still have funny noises coming from my stomach!!

It has been chaotic!! The hunt for peace begins..


Monday, May 18, 2009

Back to Sanity !!

The frenetic activity happening in my life over the past couple of months or so have been crazy. The only word that describes it perfectly is 'Insanity'.

It all started with a stupid Govt official rejecting forms which were certified by the Indian embassy at South Africa as being true copies. But our 'Mr Do not teach me to do my job' at the Ministry of Corporate affairs shot the application down as he were rejecting Dawood Ebrahim from setting up an arms factory in India!! That was just the start of the long process of reapplying all over again. The application once again travelled the length and breadth of the Indian Ocean to come back to me only last week in China. From there they travelled back with me to the Middle East and back home to India. Now they are lying on the table of 'Mr Do not......'in Delhi. He is sure lucky to have papers that have travelled 3 continents to be on his table in his dingy office in Delhi. I bet the bugger has not travelled past the NCR region all his life.

The Stock markets in this period have been acting completely crazy! Please do not take this as whining. I made some money and lost some more with all the uncertainty over who is going to come to Power in Delhi. Every morning i would wake up and tell myself today i am going to initiate the correct trades.. and every evening at 3.30 pm i would be an enlightened man.. The movements in the market have their own funny ways.. 8 times out of 10 i called the market wrong and hence ended up loosing some money. But hey as a wise man once said ' You win some you loose some ' ( psst...the wise man who said this also happens to have written my previous blogs) This culminated in the most shocking but positively surprising 2 mins of trade in which the sensex rose by 20% and thereafter ceased trading!! Holy shit who would have imagined the markets going up by 2099 points on a single trading day... Phew . At least now there is a firm bottom in place and i know NOW how am i going to trade these markets!! Some sanity coming back ...

On the personal front it has been a roller coaster ride.. Marriage has been treating me pretty alright. Anu and i have been getting used to waking up next to each other every morning. All the small little things that we have shared in the past 6 months since marriage have only made us understand each other better.. Sharing a meal at a small restaurant,catching up on a movie in a small lil theatre, gulping down beers never seemed so exciting as it does now..

Maa & Dad have started spending more time with us here in Mumbai.. l these years that i was away we kind of lost 'connect' if you know what i mean.. i was too busy to ever understand their needs in the last 6-7 years that i have been away from home. Now it is much better, working for a start up now gives me some additional time that i can spend with them and understand them much better. Come August when the operations start i will be back to my old ways... So til then i am going to enjoy every moment spent with them.
New bonds made, some old ones forgotten. Who knows what the future has in store?

Till then , peace within!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Patience is a Virtue!! or thats what fools believe...

PATIENCE!! Something i have not quite figured out as yet.
I still remember my favorite Aunt!! or should i say my dad's favorite sister ranting at me ages ago in gujarati ' aa chokra ne patience nathi . aagad kevite vadhis'. (This boy has no patience. How will you make any progress in life without it).

I have tried mastering this beast called patience over the last many years since then. Have i suceeded ? Not quite.

One encounters various situations that call for patience and how we respond is something that defines the future course.
Sometimes i trade stocks at a profit and sometimes at a loss. In hindsight i always have to hear comments like ' If you had patience you would have made more profit ' or ' You rush in to quickly and hence make losses ' . but isnt that always true about life.. I mean you win some you loose some.. What has patience or lack of it have to do anything with the stupid stock markets ??
is'nt it all a gamble anyways

What is wrong in being impatient? Each one of us want to achieve a great many milestones in life and lets face it we do not have our entire life to achieve them. Our generation and the subsequent ones that will follow will not have the liberty to live life at an easy going pace as our parents and granparents had..
So much to do and so little time!!

I try at times to be 'patient' but i guess most of the times it is a futile attempt. Sometimes i do wish i had some patience in dealing with certain situations. it would have saved me a lot of effort and time rectifying errors..

Would i have changed any of those decisions probably not!

So my favorite aunt i guess after all these years is still gonna make the same comments about me and my lack of patience... and i enjoy every bit of the argument that i have with her about how i feel that being Impatient is a bigger virtue than being patient!

Will i ever lear how to be patient.. Only time will tell
It feels like figthing a Bear.. you do not stop when you are tired.. you stop when the bear is...


Thursday, April 9, 2009

My first personal Blog!

I have surprised myself by writing a blog. I always thought that people who wrote a blog were lonely people who did not have friends and hence it wasv their effort at been heard and noticed..

I hate to admit that i was wrong! Welcome to the blogging community Mr Shah!!!! ;-)

Anu, you are the one who is to be blamed to get me to start blogging! It was you who got me in the habit of reading . My bookshelf now holds almost 100 books ranging from sociology to the subject of a Hindi Movie dud ( read 'One night in a Call Center). I also took 'inspiration' from my dear friends Mosiqi and Kg both who are active bloggers.

Being a sports nut it is only fair that i start off by congratulating our overpaid Cricket stars for winning the test series in Kiwiland.. a Looooonnnnnggggg 41 year wait comes to an end.. But Dhoni and Co forego their so called aggression for safety and blew a glorious chance of winning 2-0. next in line is the IPL2. (Indian Profits league) Hail Capitalism !!

We are getting into the big political tamasha called 'Elections'. UPA, NDA, TF, JMM, BBB, AAA, IILM, XXX .. then abbreviations just go on and on......I only wish that all our politicians got their act together for once and start thinking about the nation.

it makes me feel like a fool to read in the newspapers daily that M/S so & So ahve declared assests worth 125 crs.. ( only the declared value.. Black Money ?????) and he is not even a Graduate... Dude i am an MBA ( again abbreviation, we just love them) c'mon give me a break..thats got to count for something.

One this is for sure.. be it politics, economics, growth, religion or sports... We all live in exciting times!

